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Updated: 2024-04-28

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Friday, September 29, 2023

Home - Journeys - Netherland, Ameland 2023 - Friday, September 29, 2023

The alarm goes off very early in Hotel Restaurant De Jong in Nes, Ameland. We are going back to Apeldoorn today and we have to take the 7:15 ferry, if we don't catch that we might have to stay an extra week on Ameland because there is no room for cars on the ferries.
Because we had to get up so early, we slept quite restlessly.
We shower quietly and then we pack everything, which luckily isn't that much. We take another look at the hotel's breakfast packages, and it looks good.

At a quarter past six we drive away to the ferry. The weather is not nice, it is raining, sometimes quite hard and it is still dark.
At half past seven we are in the queue for the ferry, we are not the first. We can check in immediately. We eat our breakfast while waiting. And more and more cars are arriving that have to come along.
The cars can be boarded at seven o'clock, the entire car deck is full. But when we get to the passenger deck it is very quiet there, there seem to be (almost) no passengers without a car. We buy two cups of coffee, at least that is what it says on the machine where the wetness comes out, it is warm and brown in color, but that is the only similarity with coffee.
The crossing is uneventful and at 8 o'clock we are back in Holwerd.

We drive to Apeldoorn at our leisure.
We don't stop along the way to do anything, the weather forecast is too uncertain.
Just like on the outbound route, it is only busy on the A28.
We are back home at 10:15. We unload the car and clean up everything, we are tired from lack of sleep.
At lunch we make sandwiches from the leftover sandwiches from the breakfast packages.

Written on: 2023-10-01


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It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.